Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taking a bite out of the big apple…

Bright, shiny and crunchy right to the core… that’s New York City for you and stepping off the plane a week ago I thought perhaps I had bitten off more than I could chew.

Keep in mind that I am just a little girl from Perth.  Or is that meant to be just a girl from little old Perth?  Well you can make up your mind.  Sydney is big for me, so initially New York was overwhelming.  The number of people crossing the street alone is confronting.

The cabby from the airport took a delightful detour to my hotel and even as a beginner in New York when you pass Times Square twice… you know something isn’t right. Its only one of the most crowded places on earth with flashing signs everywhere… yeh like I am not going to notice we just did a massive circle.  He mumbled something about a parade going on or something… likely story!  

Should have taken the shuttle, but I was in dire straits for time as my brand new “never will buy from Midas again” $400 boots arch had snapped in half and needed new ones pronto. I am devestated those boots died so early.  It wasn’t like I was storm trooping in Belgium on cobblestones or anything! If I wasn’t only week 1 out of 5 for my travel plans I would have lugged them home and thrown them at the sales girl in a tantrum, but the thought of shopping in New York for new ones had eased both my mind and temper for now. 

I arrive at the Mayfair Hotel on West 49th .  Now don’t get excited about the name.  In fact I want you to think of everything you have ever attributed to the name Mayfair, and divide by 300.  If you have ever been to New York on a $200-300 or Paris on a 250Euro a night budget, you will know exactly what I am talking about. Smaller than small room. I couldn’t even open my suitcase without it hitting the other side of the room!  I had to walk in sideways and I almost cried.  But hey I am in New York, and it could be a lot worse. My mind strayed and thought of my friend Kristie in the half way heroin hut she had to stay in New York, and I immediately felt better.  If all else fails I can jump over the suitcase every morning, hit the wall and bounce off the bed straight into the bathroom (which was awesome I must say).  And how much time do I want to stay in my room anyway…

I am in New York!

So out the door I go and trott down through Times Square. BIG MISTAKE.  I have a very bad habit of walking very fast and Times Square is not a place for people moving quickly.  I have never seen so many people in one place.  All walking slowly, 5 people abreast with their heads looking up!  I had a bit of a chuckle to myself as I thought of my best friend Meghann and how she would have a meltdown if she were here.  She has no patience at all for people walking 3,4 or 5 abreast.  In fact it aggravates me now (thanks Meg!) because it never really occurred to me previously that people hog the sidewalk – I am from Perth.  There is plenty of room to walk, because I realize now there are no people walking anywhere! 

As I was in a hurry (it was 4pm and dinner was at 7pm in Hell’s Kitchen) I started to act like a local and barged through like the Death Star in Star Wars (cue Darth Vadar’s soundtrack).  Back to starting with the A’s I am frantically looking for ALDO.  I thought I saw it here somewhere.  49th, 48th, 43rd I’m no closer to finding anything remotely like boots.   

Finally 15 blocks later, 6pm and I am in shopping heaven, and find exactly what I am looking for.  Ankle boots. Well I figure it’s summer in Sydney when I get back… so I compromised.

Oh gosh is that the time? I need to be back to the hotel, change and fly out the door to be 2 blocks away for dinner with the family in just under an hour.  With my feet killing me, but as an owner of new boots I've had a pretty awesome start to my New York experience.  

That was until I had to look for Champagne

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