Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ed, David... Sullivans and Lettermans...

The Mayfair Hotel is in the heart of the Theatre district, right on the corner of West 49th and Broadway.  You name it all the big guns are playing… Chicago, Mamma Mia and Wicked headline the area in bright lights.  I’ve seen Wicked twice in Sydney and couldn’t bring myself to watch the New York version.  Yes Yes I know this is where it all started back in 2003 but I just don’t think I could have brought myself to watch anyone else play Fiyero other than Rob Mills.  I am also extremely partial to Lucy Durack playing Galinda (Glinda) too. I loved it so much.

I have watched the clips of the New York show on You Tube and bought the Wicked CD, and I still believe the Australian cast tops it in every way, so sorry New York, I take a pass on going to see it.

Instead I pass by The Ed Sullivan Theatre where the David Letterman show has been taped since 1993. Some of the most incredible people in the world have stood on the stage here.  Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Bob Dylan you name it they have been here and I was about to see if I could get in on it.

So I cruise by the front of the theatre and to my surprise there was no line out the front.  Mmm…intrigued.  I go in.

I rock on in and fill out a form, and it seems he is only filming tonight and tomorrow night – and tonight was the only night I could go.  A couple more people come in and I finished my form and stand behind them in line for my interview.  YES interview.  I felt like I was in line for a TVC casting.


So I have a little chit chat to a very young guy who proceeds to ask me a string of questions about the show to see if I really was a fan.  Lucky I have a rollerdex of show content in my brain from over the years and a recently viewed link from You Tube when Ellen was on.  I pretty much go to bed at 9.30pm so 11.30pm is a stretch.

So I pass the test and the young guy tells me I should hear if I’m successful by 1pm.  It’s 12pm so I figure that’s great.

1.04pm and I am called with the news that I need to be at the Ed Sullivan Theatre between 2-3pm.  3.01pm is too late the guy says, and says that I am on John’s Gold list.  Not sure who John is, but his gold list sounds awesome.

I rock up at 2.30pm, and after a ton of lining up and waiting at exactly 4.30pm I am sitting second row in spitting distance from Letterman himself.  Good on you John and your Gold list, I am impressed.  

Letterman is looking older in person than he does on TV, but what a professional and I am loving it.  Hilary Swank and 2 other guys were the featured guests.  I was secretly hoping for George Clooney or some other hot male over 40.  But no, wasn’t my day today.  I have to say however that Hilary Swank is absolutely beautiful, funny and tiny.  Mental note, must go to gym when I get home… but I am too excited to be depressed about weight right now.

An hour later and its all over and definitely an experience to write a letter home about. 

Thanks David Letterman, New York and Ed Sullivan Theatre.  An A plus from me!

Theatre District New York City

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